Thursday, August 23, 2018

How Not To Do IRL Policing: A Case Study of Canadian Biggotry

So here I am, again at the NOC of the world's most important but not necessarily the best Tier-I provider, UUNET.  Yes, me and my low vision, without finishing high-school, propelled ourselves to this little dark cubicle, and even I'm not sure how, for during my hiring interview I did not know that a router could cost more than the fifty dollars I paid for my non-WIFI one from Rogers.  In fact, I had never even bought a router at that point, as back then they all were rentals.  In fact, I am here in that seat every day of my life and forever will be, because let's face it, when one finds heaven, the soul stays in it forever.  Until I worked here, I did not even know that WI-FI was a thing.  Flip phones do not really have much wifiness to them, and WAP is not exactly a fun thing to explore, not for me with my blind eyes anyway - I prefer Gopher.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Billion Dollar Steering Committee of Google

When you are taller, people look up to you.  Not just physically and literally but figuratively, too.  This is perhaps why most Fortune 500 CEOs are taller than your average man, and no most of t hem are not female for a reason other than sexism.  Men are never preventing women from having top positions and from my forty years on this silly little rock of ours women are sabotaging their own efforts and dreams for the most part themselves and rarely can even admit this fact to themselves let alone to others.  But that's another story.  But when you are taller than others, people look up to you, and this is no exception in business logic, business leadership, and even nation building.  Google, is a taller corporation than any other, it's so tall, that it's been put atop the Alphabet pedestal even.  Now it's out there, in space, orbiting around us all, even the NSA looks up to those that let us speak with these very letters.  Let me put a G in here in honour of our new leaders whom I welcome with loving arms.  G is Good, G is Great, G is gnarly - WE LOVE G!